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– Minnesota State University, Mankato
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Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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Page address: https://web.mnsu.edu/assessment/gened/GEAssessCat8.html

Category 8: Global Perspective

Goal: To increase student understanding of the growing interdependence of nations, traditions and peoples and develop their ability to apply a comparative perspective to cross-cultural social, economic, and political experiences.

Following the Completion of Category 8 of the General Education Program, students can:
1. Describe, analyze and evaluate social and cultural phenomena which influence the contemporary and historical relations among nations and peoples.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of social and cultural differences.
3. Analyze specific international problems and the social and/or cultural differences which influence their solution.
4. Understand the role and responsibility of a world citizen.


Sample sections of Category 8 general education courses

Who does the Assessment?

Category 8 Course Instructor's Assessment Group

Assessment Rubric for O/O #1: Describe, analyze and evaluate social and cultural phenomena which influence the contemporary and historical relations among nations and peoples.

1 Student can identify social and/or cultural phenomena which influence the contemporary and historical relations among nations and peoples.
2 Student can describe social and/or cultural phenomena which influence the contemporary and historical relations among nations and peoples.
3 Student can analyze social and/or cultural phenomena which influence the contemporary and historical relations among nations and peoples.
4 Student can evaluate social and/or cultural phenomena which influence the contemporary and historical relations among nations and peoples.

Level of Mastery
For year 1, baseline data will be gathered

Assessment Rubric for O/O #2: Demonstrate knowledge of social and cultural differences.

1 Student can identify two social and/or cultural differences
2 Student can describe more than two social and/or cultural differences
3 Student can compare more than two social and/or cultural differences
4 Student can analyze more than two social and/or cultural differences

Level of Mastery
For year 1, baseline data will be gathered

Assessment Rubric for O/O #3: Analyze specific international problems and the social and/or cultural differences which influence their solution.

1 Student can identify an international problem and the social and/or cultural differences which influence its solution.
2 Student can describe more than one international problem and the social and/or cultural differences which influence their solution.
3 Student can analyze more than one international problem and the social and/or cultural differences which influence their solution.
4 Student can analyze more than two international problems and the social and/or cultural differences which influence their solution.

Level of Mastery
For year 1, baseline data will be gathered

Assessment Rubric for O/O #4: Understand the role and responsibility of a world citizen.

1 Student can identify a situation where a world citizen might infleunce the global commuunity
2 Student can discuss a situation where an individual or people have acted and had an effect on the global community
3 Student can analyze the actions of others which have or could affect the global community and suggest how those actions might be altered to effect a different outcome.

Level of Mastery
For year 1, baseline data will be gathered