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Minnesota State University, Mankato
Minnesota State University, Mankato

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Program Review Checklist

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Up to One Year Before Anticipated Site Visit

  • The Department initiates self-study process.
  • The Department discusses with and provides to the Dean the names of at least 5 potential external reviewers.

Six Months Before Anticipated Site Visit

  • The Dean invites external reviewers, explains review/visit process and expectations, and sets tentative dates for visit based on schedules of external reviewers, department, and administrators.

Two Months Before Scheduled Site Visit

  • The Department submits self-study to Dean for final review.
  • The Department initiates contract to compensate the external reviewers.

One Month Before Scheduled Site Visit

  • The Dean sends final version of self-study to external reviewers and identifies, if any, specific areas of focus.
  • Visit arrangements are finalized by department in contact with external reviewers and administrators.
  • The Dean sends a copy of self-study to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and, if appropriate, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Dean.
  • The Dean and Department Chair have a pre-meeting with the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Site Visit

  • External reviewers meet with department faculty, staff, and students, and review documentation to evaluate program.
  • External reviewers should meet with the Dean, and Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Dean Studies if there are graduate programs, for an initial interview and for an exit interview.
  • External reviewers should meet with the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean at the beginning and end of the visit.
  • The Department processes the reimbursement paperwork for the visit.

One Month Following Site Visit

  • The Dean receives the report with recommendations from the external reviewers and forwards it to the Department, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and, if appropriate, Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Dean.

Two Months Following Site Visit

  • The Department submits to the Dean a response to the external reviewers' report and recommendations, and prepares a final set of program recommendations for improvement.
  • The Department Chair/Director meets with the Dean, the Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Dean (if appropriate), and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs to review the findings of the program review and discuss the final set of program review recommendations identified for improvement. 

Three months following Site Visit

  • The Dean will prepare a brief summary of the meeting with the Department Chair/Director, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Associate Vice President for Research and Graduate Dean (if appropriate) highlighting the program review recommendations identified for improvement and implementation strategies. 
  • The Dean will submit to Institutional Research, Planning, and Assessment a copy of the Department's self-study, the external reviewers' report and recommendations, the Department's response and program review recommendations for improvement, and the Dean's brief program review meeting summary.

* For academic support service units, Academic Affairs will act in the role of the Dean.  For student affairs units, the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management will act in the role of the Dean/Vice President.