A Magical Place, A Magical World

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Re: Wonderful opportunities

From: Taro
Date: 21 Oct 2007
Time: 22:14:23 -0500
Remote Name:


Dee, Thank you so much for your kind words. I find that the level of fluency is all over the map. Some kids become much more fluent while with others there is no change at all. At Our Time, we actually don't spend anytime thinking about their fluency or attempting to help them become more fluent. We are providing them with a place where they can feel wonderful about who they are - exactly the way they are. If a kid wants to work on their speech ... FANTASTIC! And if they don't want to work on their speech ... FANTASTIC! I think that each person's journey is so unique and individual. Each person has a very different set of goals with their stuttering and in life. And we try to work with each person on an individual level to help them in every aspect of their life. Most importantly, we are their friends, teachers, and their students, as they teach us all what life is really about. I hope you can see an Our Time event is the near future and see these kids in action. All my very best, Taro

Last changed: 10/22/07