Two Things I Wish I'd Known About Stuttering When I Was Younger

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Encouraging and Motivational

From: Valerie Henn, Kean U
Date: 13 Oct 2007
Time: 10:50:33 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi! I found your article very inspiring. I am a graduate student currently taking my first clinical practicum in speech-language pathology. As you said, the ideas you presented are helpful to all people. I also went back and read your article ‘STEP OUTSIDE’ and your poem 'Changing the Words Around' because I saw that you recommended them to other people who were just as inspired by this article as I was. I especially liked what you had to say about “when we avoid short-term discomfort, we actively invite long-term disadvantages, which could have been avoided by initially taking prompt action (and putting up with short-term discomfort).” Understanding this concept makes it easier to reach outside your comfort zone, but I wonder how hard it is for younger clients to grasp this idea. As you stated in your comments, you “really feel that such subjects should be taught at school” and you said that you wish you knew these things when you were younger. How would you recommend teaching this to younger people? Do you feel that this is an understanding that comes with time and maturity? Also, have you ever written any books on motivation/inspiration? I think everyone would benefit from you encouraging words.

Last changed: 10/22/07