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Re: Listener's feelings/attitudes...

From: Leys Geddes, British Stammering Association
Date: 19 Oct 2007
Time: 05:18:22 -0500
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Thanks very much, Laura. Yes, I think that some insecure people want to pick on others to make themselves feel better and I think that a lot of people do feel uncomfortable during the blocks and hesitations of a PWS. But I think the main reason is that we PWSs are simply not seen and heard. So other people make fun of what they don't understand. It is just as unfair and hurtful to criticise or mock stammerers as it is disabled or ethnic minorities; but there have been massive reductions in discrimination, largely because people have been educated to understand why their behaviour is irrational, hurtful and unconstructive. But the solution is largely in the hands of PWS. For example, I still fear speaking in public about stuttering; but, even if, afterwards, I feel my speech has been dreadful, I know it has been worthwhile. But it is a daunting task, it will take ages, and I do hope that more PWS will speak out. I remember the 1968 Olympics, when two medal-winning black US athletes stood on the podium and, wearing black gloves, raised their fists as the Stars and Stripes was played. We were shocked at the time, but they were right to do what they did. PWS need to do something similar - but it will still need a a good 40 years to start getting our point over!

Last changed: 10/22/07