The Challenges Associated with Dysfluency and University Life: Personal Perspective of a Mild Covert Stutterer

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Re: Question

From: Rob Grieve
Date: 16 Oct 2007
Time: 09:21:41 -0500
Remote Name:


Hi Evan, Thank you for your questions. Although I did not see a speech therapist at school a couple of teachers tried to help with my dysfluency.At university I went to the SLP faculty clinic....not much help, lots of focus on breathing and techniques for blocking, etc...but in my eyes not holistic enough. They did not deal with issues of confidence, underlying thought processes, taking of risks, etc....As regards the speech therapist for our child, I was working in a multidiscilpinary clinic with SLPs and physiotherapists treating stroke patients and over a cup of tea I mentioned the problem with my daughter. She is now aged 8 and is is completely fluent (severe/profoundly deaf) with a reading age of 11.9 yrs. By ignoring her early dysfluency, reduced the pressure for fluency and consequently was only a very short stage of stuttered speech. Whereas my Dad would be very impatient with me when I was a child, struggling with words he would tell me to "spit it out", which made my speech an issue and increased the stress, with resultant increase in dysfluency. Not to say this was the only aetiological factor....but it did not help! Kind regards, Rob

Last changed: 10/23/07