Can a Fluent Stuttering Therapist be as Good as a Stuttering Fluency Therapist?

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Great Article

From: Allison Asher
Date: 07 Oct 2008
Time: 18:50:04 -0500
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Fantastic article Joe and Joe. I found each of your perspectives truly enlightening. I am not a person who stutters, yet, I have thought about how it could impact therapy if I could actually “walk in their shoes”. Joe Klein’s comment of saying, “Ah yes, been there, done that” is definitely a comforting response to hear for a client, but it is interesting to think that it is not always necessary in order to have success in therapy. I especially liked how Joe Donaher discussed that a good clinician, whether a person who stutters or not, must know how to listen to the client in order to learn about the impact that stuttering has on the person’s life. That is so true for all clinicians with all types of clients. Thank you for sharing!

Last changed: 10/07/08