Can a Fluent Stuttering Therapist be as Good as a Stuttering Fluency Therapist?

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Can a Fluent Stuttering Therapist be as Good as a Stuttering Therapist?

From: Lindsey - Graduate Student
Date: 13 Oct 2008
Time: 15:15:04 -0500
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I found this article to be very informative and provide a lot of useful information. I always wondered if a clinician who stutterers has more of an affect on a client than a clinician who does not stutter. After reading this article, I realized that a fluent clinician can be just as successful as a dysfluent clinician. I also learned that it is imperative that the clinician works with the client by problem solving, having their client and themselves take risks, and by working hard to find the correct treatment goals for the client. I was just wondering do either of you feel that it is easier for a client who stutters to open up faster about their fluency disorder to a person who stutters than to a person who does not stutter? If so, what does a person who does not stutter have to do in order to make the client feel less anxiety about opening up and sharing their emotions and feelings about their fluency disorder? Also as a future clinician I was wondering if it is difficult to establish treatment goals for a client? Thanks for the article, it was very beneficial.

Last changed: 10/13/08