Can a Fluent Stuttering Therapist be as Good as a Stuttering Fluency Therapist?

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Fluent vs. Nonfluent Clinician

From: Nikki - SLP Grad Student
Date: 19 Oct 2008
Time: 20:18:06 -0500
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I was very happy to find some information regarding fluent vs. nonfluent therapists! I am a Speech Language Pathology Graduate student and currently have a fluency client. This is my first fluency client and I honestly wondered if I would be a good clinician considering I was not a person who stuttered. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a perfectly fluent individual, and believe there is no such thing! However, I wondered if there was a difference between fluent and nonfluent therapists and if one would be better than the other. It would just seem logical that a nonfluent therapist would have so much more to give knowing what it is/was like to stutter. Before I began therapy with my client, I feared that I would not be able to relate to my client who stuttered. After a few weeks of therapy, I feel much more confident with a fluency client and have taken up a great interest in fluency clients. Reading this article makes me feel more confident with my clinical abilities and fluency clients and also answered some of the questions that lingered regarding this topic. Thank you both for your information and insight on fluent and nonfluent therapists.

Last changed: 10/19/08