Can a Fluent Stuttering Therapist be as Good as a Stuttering Fluency Therapist?

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Question for Joe Klein

From: Alaina Mishal (NYU grad student)
Date: 22 Oct 2008
Time: 12:08:15 -0500
Remote Name:


First of all, I would like to say that I found this article to be very interesting, thank you. We actually discussed your article in class yesterday after watching some video tapes of Barry Guitar doing stuttering therapy and fortunatley I had read the article already so I was able to partcipate in the conversation. My question to you is: What would you tell a parent of a child that stutters if they came to you with the concern that having a therapist that stutters would somehow encourage the child to continue to stutter and be comfortable with it rather then working on being completely fluent. I know that this wouldn't happen, but how would you explain this to a parent who is completely uneducated on the matter? -Alaina Mishal

Last changed: 10/22/08