Understanding Stuttering as a Gift

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Re: Stuttering/Disability as a Gift

From: Walt Manning
Date: 02 Oct 2008
Time: 13:58:34 -0500
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Hi Mark. I have only briefly looked over your article in the current ISAD Conference and will need to do that before trying to give you much of an answer to part of your question. The stuttering that I did in the past was certainly more effortful and inefficient. Now the stuttering I do is shorter, easier and more forward moving. The main difference is the way I react or cope with the possibility as well as the reality of stuttering. I approach it without fear – or at least far less fear than in the past. I view the experience of stuttering from a much broader perspective. And most importantly, stuttering is no longer a dominant theme in my life. It is, however, a valued theme that is an important part of who I am. Once I read your article I’ll see what I have to say about how best to inform the public about stuttering – assuming they care.

Last changed: 10/02/08