"A" is for Attitude!

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Re: Attitude

From: Steven Kaufman
Date: 09 Oct 2009
Time: 20:23:57 -0500
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Hi Rudi! Thank you for reading my paper. For those who stutter, the handling of having bad speech days can vary based on how comfortable the person is with their speech. I have always stated that when it comes to stuttering, it ebbs and flows, and is just unpredictable what type of speech day you're going to have. I have gone on job interviews where I have totally not been fluent, and then have had unexpected situations where I can be somewhat fluent. Having a positive attitude is essential, but when you have a bad speech day, you need to allow yourself permission to have one and know that it's OK if you do. I've had many occasions where I could not get a single word out and as a result I'd berate myself silently to the effect of "Come on! You're better than what you displayed out there today." But you also come to the conclusion that by doing that, you don't feel any better about yourself. In fact, you will end up feeling worse. The most important thing to remember is that tomorrow is another day. The sun will rise, and with it comes a new chance-and regardless of what kind of day you have, your voice is being heard. The world is listening!!!!

Last changed: 10/09/09