Stuttering Therapy Outcomes Revisited

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Re: Able to prove/test your theory

From: Tom Weidig (
Date: 05 Oct 2009
Time: 02:57:37 -0500
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Evolution is a firmly established scientific theory. More than 99.9% of all biologists accept evolution, and there is no controversy at all. The open issues are in filling the gaps, and understanding the details. The only controversy is regarding the origin of the evolution, as no-one knows how self-replicating molecules could have formed. I have never heard of intelligent design or creationism at top US universities or in Europea from any scientist (nor from non-expert authorities like the pope or bishops). Evolutionary dynamics have been tested 1000s of times in molecular biology, cell dynamics, animal experiments, consistency on gene models, fossils and geology. But what is impossible to do is replication. One can never replicate evolution as we have it, because there will never be the same initial conditions or the same 4.5 billion year long environment. So it is not replicable, but still it is a firm part of modern science. Replication is not a necessary compoment. Re stuttering, the brain is so complex and has information content that we will never be able to replicate exactly, because we never test the same human being again. So I say: Replication when possible, but don't throw a theory out without possible replication.

Last changed: 10/05/09