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Legal issues

From: Ora McCreary
Date: 04 Oct 2010
Time: 01:54:21 -0500
Remote Name:


Barbara - Thanks for the interesting article. Do you have any familiarity with the legal issues of tele-therapy? I once had occasion to investigate the legal issues regarding tele-therapy by an out-of-state psychiatrist having a consultation with a patient in New York state. I discovered that in the United States this question is covered separately, and often differently, by the licensing laws of each of the 50 states. (At that time, any medical treatment of a patient in New York was covered by the New York state licensing laws, and such treatment was limited to New York-licensed physicians, except in certain very limited cases. In other words, it was a violation of New York law for an out-of-state psychiatrist, not licensed in New York, to provide tele-therapy treatment to a patient located in New York state.) What about treatment by out-of-state (or out-of-country) speech therapists who are providing consultation or treatment to clients via tele-therapy? Do you know anything of the laws and regulations providing speech therapy to a client located in a state or country where the therapist is not licensed? Is there any awareness in the speech therapy community that this may be an "issue"? Do you know of any committees or professional interest groups that are investigating these issues?

Last changed: 10/04/10