Creating a National Support Organization for Stuttering: the Canadian Experience

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CSA and Social Networking

From: Jaan Pill
Date: 01 Oct 2010
Time: 18:56:08 -0500
Remote Name:


We owe thanks to Carla and Lisa for sharing their views on the next steps in the growth of CSA. An exciting aspect of CSA's current work is its involvement in networking through Social Media such as Facebook, blogs, Twitter, and the like. Some of the networks that CSA is involved with at one level of another (e.g. by spreading the word about such sites, and particpating in them) include: This is partial list to give readers a sense of what's out there by way of the many Social Media sites that deal in creative and engaging ways with stuttering. Readers may also be interested to know that CSA is looking for a new Volunteer National Coordinator: The current Acting National Coordinator will resign from his position by February 2011 or earlier if a new Coordinator is found before then. We also anticipate that several new Board members will be added in the next while. If you are interested in volunteering for CSA in any capacity, please contact CSA through its website: With regard to CSA's history, information that I have shared with Carla may have left the impression that the CSA constitution was drafted and ratified in 1993. the CSA 93 conference was indeed a key time for establishing key points for the document. By way of clarification, however, I would point out that the writing of the constitution began in 1991, with some ideas emerging as far back as 1989. In 1995 there was a final ratification meeting (at CSA 95 in Toronto). The final version of the document (aside from the later incorporation papers) were signed in 1996. I'd say that 1996 would appear to be the year the constitution was ratified.

Last changed: 10/01/10