Parents and Children Who Stutter: The pleasures and pains of working together

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Re: Parents and Siblings of Children who Stutter

From: Rosemarie
Date: 15 Oct 2010
Time: 12:03:51 -0500
Remote Name:


Hello Robin, this is an interesting question. Are you asking how we can encourage parents who are using the LP? As a general rule we would not encourage siblings to give feedback on the stuttering child’s talking. There are several reasons for this: the siblings may not be accurate in identifying stutter free and stuttered speech so their feedback wouldn’t be helpful. They may give feedback in a way that the stuttering child didn’t like. Sometimes when the stuttering child is the youngest in a family of older brothers or sisters they can be encouraging by listening more attentively to the little one or by giving him / her a bit more time to organize their thoughts into words. Also by being a little more sensitive to the needs of the younger sibling in an older, verbal household. Anything that the children can do together where talking is fun and where everybody feels their contribution is valued will be helpful to all the children. I don’t think we would want the child’s stuttering to become a focus for family attention and so any encouragement needs to be fairly low key- if you understand what I mean? Best wishes

Last changed: 10/15/10