Lightening the Load of Covert Stuttering

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From: Dick Mallard
Date: 01 Oct 2010
Time: 09:33:01 -0500
Remote Name:


Hannah, thank you for sharing your story. I have maintained for 40+ years as a stuttering specialist that one of the biggest misunderstandings about stuttering therapy is desensitization. Fluency shaping programs have their place but in many cases they teach more avoidance. I believe that until a person stops trying to be what they are not (a fluent talker) and starts accepting what they are (a person who stutters) real progress in speech control will not happen. A complete therapy program includes modifying the physical side of talking and the cognitive/emotional side of dealing with a problem that will not go away. You are fortunate to have found the right clinician. I am happy for both of you! Best wishes for future success.

Last changed: 10/01/10