By the Numbers: Disfluency Analysis for Preschool Children who Stutter

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Re: Advice for students

From: Jean Sawyer
Date: 06 Oct 2010
Time: 08:17:02 -0500
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Erin, I hope your presentation went well. As for me, counting syllables and counting disfluencies simultaneously is a challenge, but I know it can be done. I prefer to listen at least twice, once for syllable counts and again if the person has a lot of disfluencies. If the person is quite disfluent, of course, I will listen to more disfluent parts a few times. I know with a little practice, you will be able to do disfluency counts. I think the difficulty with syllable counts is to remind yourself what NOT to count--extra units of repetition, including part word, whole word, and phrase repetitions, as well as interjections. Again, I advise you to practice. You and interested students could also each work with the same transcript and compare your accuracy, if you like. Good luck to you. Jean

Last changed: 10/06/10