My stuttering is no longer holding me back

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Re: Article 101

From: Beata Akerman
Date: 22 Oct 2011
Time: 09:45:13 -0500
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Hello, thank you for your comment and questions. I would say that the key is: not being afraid of talking and feeling good about yourself. I'm no longer in speech therapy. I tried for many years to reduce my stuttering and I had 4 speech therapist who tried everything to help me and also I did everything thay asked me to do, but it didn't work for me. For years I blamed myself for that, I thought it was my fault, but after talking with many PWS and hearing their experiences as well, I see that it's no one's fault. I would say that my stuttering is moderate, mainly full of repetitions and blocks, mostly, and that is according to books unusual, at the middle or at the end of the words. I don't have any facial spasm like I have seen in some people, but during blocks I can't breathe. But what helpes me is to never avoid any situation and I talk very openly about my stuttering. Because I'm no longer afraid of talking, I stutter less. I learned many tricks like walking around while I'm talking (that helps me a lot). I think a lot about stuttering but only because I read books about it, I write articles about stuttering, many of my friends stutter, I teach people about stuttering, my PhD research is about experiences of PWS etc. With best wishes, Beata Akerman

Last changed: 10/22/11