SLP who stutters AND has spasmodic dysphonia

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From: Irene Bullard
Date: 19 Oct 2011
Time: 20:26:40 -0500
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Lauren, I think I gave you some confusing if not wrong information. With a little research I found out that botox is used with abductor SD but it is put into a different muscle than with adductor SD. Also the treatment is more conservative in using botox for abductor type as it could compromize respiration. I do not know the difference in effectiveness of botox for the two types of SD. I was hesitant in getting botox at first because I was told I could lose my voice for a period of time and could also have problems with aspiration. I was afraid of how this would affect my ability to work. I was not told about the difficulty in respiration as might happen with treatment of abductor SD, probably because I was not treated for the abductor type. I assume that one of the difficulties in diagnosis of the type of SD that I had, had to do with my presenting with frequent intermitent loss of voicing as I spoke. It is difficult to describe the difference in the dysfluencies due to SD and those due to stuttering, I would have to study that in order to describe it well, that is, if I could adequately put it in words. Irene

Last changed: 10/19/11