A Perfect Norwegian Stutter

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Deep Ecological Fluency Freedom

From: Derek Taylor
Date: 10 Oct 2011
Time: 08:36:48 -0500
Remote Name:


It is lovely when one comes to a place where they can find peace. Norway was the home of Arne Naess, the father the environmental philosophy: Deep Ecology. What stands out to me is that you seem to have had a change of perspecctive since moving to Norway; and indeed Deep Ecology challenges humans to change the way that we look at the world; it ask people to reevaluate what is important and question the norms of society. Could the social norms of American society be a perpetuating factor of the stutter's dysfluency? I am somone who stutters and am in graduate school for speech-langauge pathology. I am formulating a thesis project that argues that stuttering modification is and has been supported throughout history by people who stutter; in contrast to fluency shaping which seems to be supported by people who do not stutter. One difference between the two schools of thought, is whether it is ok to stutter. It sounds like you are ok with stuttering now. How do you feel about my proposed thesis statement and fluency shaping vs stuttering modification now?

Last changed: 10/10/11