"Honesty...Finally - my others and to myself..."

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Great paper about being open re. stuttering; and question

From: Ross Barrett
Date: 02 Oct 2011
Time: 00:06:32 -0500
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Mr. Roach - this paper you presented I appreciated, with you poignantly describing how honesty, regarding telling people aloud that you stutter, instead of worrying and waiting for someone to "find out" by them hearing you stutter, and how this was the best route for you (and for your physical health also)! Well written and to the point; especially important for the covert stutterer. Great lesson you passed on to your child/grandchildren as well. Have you found overall the reactions from other professionals when you give presentations have been better now that you tell people directly that you stutter, as opposed to when you didn't tell them and instead they might hear you stutter? Not that others reactions matter, but I was just wondering if you found other people in your profession's reactions to be more positive, thus one of the reasons you might feel more free when speaking now?

Last changed: 10/02/11