"Honesty...Finally - my others and to myself..."

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Re: "Honest with me years ago"

From: Chris Roach
Date: 12 Oct 2011
Time: 21:23:24 -0500
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Thanks, Alexandra, for your kind comments. It's hard to know what would make the biggest impact on a young person other than living in front of them with honesty by example. Show them how honesty can be liberating, genuine and more peaceful than alternatively exposing them to most of our adult games and maneuverings. I think you have to create an authentic perspective of honesty in all of their life and not just the stuttering part. THEN they'll truly view stuttering as only part of what they're about and not totally who they are. Following honesty in all their actions and beliefs will naturally encompass how they view their stuttering. Sounds nice, huh? Easier said than done but a noble goal to work toward. Alexandra, good luck with your studies. You're at a great place. Chris

Last changed: 10/12/11