PWS with Parkinson's disease learn and remember speech therapy skills

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Re: Like tennis?

Date: 07 Oct 2011
Time: 17:19:18 -0500
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Wow, that is a tricky question! I tend to tell my parents of kids who stutter not to overdo it with practice and nagging. I have them watch the "going with the flow" video on the stuttering is cool website to show them how much conscious effort and attention it takes to use strategies and that the child needs to have a time to relax and be themselves and be accepted stuttering and all. That being said, of course practice does help. Even if, research shows that automatization is not perfectly achieved, MANY adults who stutter report that they do feel like the skills get somewhat easier and more automatic with practice. We are really seeking a balance. But it seems to me, people who stutter should be able to use their skills to communicate more effectively when they choose to, but also to relax and be themselves when they choose to. Kids need to be reminded that if they want to "count on" those skills at a moments notice they need to keep up some amount of practice. "use it or lose".

Last changed: 10/07/11