Taking Responsibility for Becoming Your Own SLP

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Re: Thanks for sharing your story... one question.

From: Reuben Schuff
Date: 04 Oct 2011
Time: 21:29:58 -0500
Remote Name:


Amanda, My advice would be this: have clients not patients, be teachers not care givers, and do something that scares you. I mean really scares you, physically, mentally, emotionally, and keep doing it until it doesn’t scare you anymore. Then ask your clients to do the same. Many things have helped me and many things continue to help. Knowing that change is possible and knowing people who’ve traveled a similar road is huge for me. Working with SLP’s who understand the disorder beyond the sounds and syllables of speech is also huge. But what helped me the most was reaching a point where the risk of making changes was less than the risk of not doing so. I don’t think that’s something anyone can bring to another person. Good luck with your studies and your clinical work. Reuben

Last changed: 10/04/11