Taking Responsibility for Becoming Your Own SLP

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Re: turning point

From: Reuben Schuff
Date: 13 Oct 2011
Time: 21:57:23 -0500
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Tiffany, Thinking back I don’t think there was a moment of turning but a process. I’m slow to change. For me the journey has, and continues to be, many small footsteps in the right direction. My managers never gave me an inch, always treated me like I could do whatever needed to be done. They put me up to present and lead when I wouldn’t have told you that was something I could do. I could only try my best to rise to the expectation, and the expectation would only rise higher. One turning point was realizing that my bosses must not be expecting me to be fluent, because I wasn’t, and I hadn’t been gotten rid of. I had to work to be better communicating and that’s important, but I realized that disfluencies are just a part of that and a small part. Our perceptions of ourselves are sometime narrow and have become limited over time as we use a familiar lens. New people’s reflections are a fresh glimpse. Surrounding ourselves with positive mirrors can change thing in a real way. Thanks for your comment ~Reuben

Last changed: 10/13/11