Practical solutions for dealing with bullying in children who stutter

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From: Bill Murphy
Date: 03 Oct 2012
Time: 15:29:33 -0500
Remote Name:


Dear Joseph, Thank you for sending us such a valuable question. Several of us stutter and the others have worked for years with people who stutter so we have some sense of the terrible things you have experienced. Unfortunately, I don't believe we are qualified to completely answer your question and even if we were the response would be many pages long. I believe what we (you) are dealing with is recovery from a terrible trauma which for many people can take a long time to do. One of the best ways for victims to recover is to share their story with people of similar experience. In this country we have stuttering supports groups, one of which is the National Stuttering Association consisting of people who stutter and their families. You might want to join the organization to meet others, if only on line, to share your trauma stories. Another Internet group is Stut-L a discussion / sharing group who have all suffered the difficulties experienced by many people who stutter. Sometimes people also need to see a professional counselor who is trained in dealing with trauma like yours. In some cases past trauma becomes a deblitating form of PTSD. Again we want you to know that you are not alone! It's better to try and recover by find others with similar experiences. Best wishes, Bill, Bob, Scott, Nina

Last changed: 10/22/12