Relapse Following Successful Stuttering Therapy: The Problem of Choice

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Re: Follow-up

From: Ryan Pollard
Date: 09 Oct 2012
Time: 20:20:22 -0500
Remote Name:


Yes, clients can (and should) be dismissed from therapy when they have met their goals and there is no longer a need for continued services. Some clients choose to discontinue services because they feel that they have little more to gain from remaining in therapy, or because they no longer want to be there, or for any number of personal reasons. If you’re referring to follow-up services after a client has left an intensive program, this (ideally) would involve continued therapy at a lower frequency (e.g., 1x or 2x per week), regular in person, phone, or Skype contact, participation in a self-help or support group, etc.

Last changed: 10/24/12