Understanding My Stuttering by Unlocking the Secret Deep Inside Me

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Re: Childhood Memories

From: Dale Sander
Date: 20 Oct 2012
Time: 09:31:13 -0500
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Pam, thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you had a very difficult childhood! I had a supportive childhood and I still began stuttering. The research on stuttering as you said shows no relationship between childhood traumas with the onset of stuttering. With my own work exploring stuttering I found a powerful preverbal connection to blocked commutation linked to the onset of my stuttered speech starting much later. I don’t know what caused my stuttering but I believe that my own personal struggle as an infant to communicate before I even began talking was a factor. I’ve been active in National Stuttering Association, Dallas support group for many years now. I’ve found over an over again when people share their own personal stories, it most often has a powerful healing effect! You’re a very brave person to share your personal journey with stuttering to the world, thanks again.

Last changed: 10/22/12