School-age Stuttering Therapy: A burden, a challenge, or an opportunity?

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Re: Establishing a rapport

From: Scott
Date: 10 Oct 2012
Time: 10:45:47 -0500
Remote Name:


Absolutely - I think that the single biggest thing we can do as a profession is develop a better understanding of stuttering - among parents, teachers, clinicians, professors - everybody. In my opinion, this is lacking in a large segment of the field. I know that's not nice of me to say, but I have had many experiences where I must respond to people who simply don't "get it." It's frustrating, because all one really needs to do, in order to understand stuttering, is listen to people who stutter. They'll tell you what they want- they want improved fluency, of course, but that's only a small part of what they want. They also just want to be able to communicate more easily, and accomplishing that is what leads to a broader understanding of this condition. Hoping this helps! Good luck in your work. Scott

Last changed: 10/22/12