My Experiences With Cluttering

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Re: Amazing improvement

From: Joseph Dewey
Date: 06 May 2010
Time: 02:27:43 -0500
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Hi Yvonne, very good question. I believe these were actually cluttering disfluencies, and even though they sound very similar to stuttering disfluencies, I think I was experiencing something much different than someone who has stuttering. I think what you're referring to is when I say something like, "Yhu-Yhu-Yhu." For me, in that sample, and whenever I do that, it's because I have so many different, unorganized thoughts going through my head that I can't really pronounce them all at once, and so out comes a sound that sounds a lot like the stuttering sound. The difference is that I'm not really sure what I'm trying to say, and it's kind of a conglomeration of a few different words, where folks with stuttering know exactly what they're trying to say, or what they're trying to avoid saying.

Last changed: 05/06/10