Putting Cluttering on the World Map: Formation of the International Cluttering Association

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Increasing awareness

From: Kerry H
Date: 25 Apr 2010
Time: 22:29:16 -0500
Remote Name:


I am excited to here that you feel there is an increase in the awareness of cluttering. In an earlier article I read, I was disappointed to hear the frustration of a father who fought so hard to find a diagnosis for his son and to then learn that a great majority of Speech Language Pathologists knew very little about cluttering and how to treat it. I began to wonder about the amount of information available on cluttering. As a student in the field of Communication Disorders and Sciences, I am really beginning to understand the importance of having knowledge of all forms of communicative problems, because down the road I never know who is going to walk through my door.

Last changed: 05/05/10