The Gift of Stuttering

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Our Gift

From: Jeff Shames
Date: 10/15/02
Time: 7:00:42 PM
Remote Name:


Russ, you continue to be an inspiration to me. I remember our discussing this issue some years ago. At first I thought you were (to put it politely!) wrong to see our stutter as being a gift. In time I have come around to your view. It is one more of life's paradoxes that this thng called stuttering which for so long I wanted to eradicate from myself has given me tools to be a better person, with more to give to others.

You and John Ahlbach have inspired me; in helping me see that a person could stutter and still be an effective public speaker. Shortly after I joined Toastmasters, at the NSP Convention in Denver, I saw you give seeing you give the speech with which you had won the area contest inspired me to no end. That experience, and speaking with you that night, helped me see this issue in new ways.

Thank you, my friend.

Last changed: September 12, 2005