The Brains of Adult Stutterers: Are They Different from Nonstutterers?

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From: Karen Winter - Graduate Student
Date: 10/7/02
Time: 12:52:34 PM
Remote Name:


Dear Mr. And Mrs. Ingham,

You're paper was extremely informative, but I have a few questions. From my current graduate stuttering course, I understand there is a great emphasis on the genetics and family history of stuttering. I was wondering if there have been any studies conducted like yours, of non-stutterers who have parents who stutter; how do they compare to your study? Also, I wondered why the fMRI was not used initially in your study? I assume it is just not as readily available? Have the preliminary results of your pilot work with the fMRI supported your findings with the PET results?

Thanks for a great paper! Karen Winter

Last changed: September 14, 2005