Zen and the Art of Stuttering Therapy

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Re: Zen and the Art of Stuttering Therapy

From: Andreas Starke
Date: 10/23/02
Time: 3:02:23 PM
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Dear Mary,

"Zen in the art of archery", I think that's the book that started the interest in Zen in the Western world. I remember my father discussing it with his friends when I was a boy. I my adult years I found the mystical elements in it too difficult to accept. And now? My main interest is now body-mind states and their influence of motor performance. "Understanding Zen" by Radcliff/Radcliff helped me a lot to gain access to some of the main ideas of Zen. Read the reviews at www.amazon.com. Some people think it's a bad book, watering down the essence of Zen, but: who cares?

Kind regards, Andreas

Last changed: September 12, 2005