Women and Stuttering

[ Contents ]

Professional Working Women and Stuttering: Where Are Our Role Models

From: Sandra Policicchio
Date: 10/12/02
Time: 2:38:50 PM
Remote Name:


I really never thought about how stuttering can affect women in such a negative way. I know being a woman is very difficult at times. The media places high standards on women and in reality there is no such thing as this, “ideal person”. The article really highlights some important points about women’s dependency issues, and how we are self-conscience about our insecurities especially if we feel our line of communication is jeopardized by some type of speech dysfluency. Currently, I am working with a client who stutters and his family places very high demands on becoming fluent. The stuttering support group does alleviate a great burden off WWS because it gives them a chance to share positive and negative experiences about their stuttering. Sometimes just being able to have your voice heard was really all you needed to help face your everyday challenges in life. I know from experience that being able to talk about your insecurities have sculpted me to become a more secure person in all aspects of my life. I think accepting a part of yourself that you do not like is a challenge in itself but I believe it can be overcome.

Last changed: September 14, 2005