To Go Beyond the Fear

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Start loving yourself = stop being afraid

From: Anita Blom
Date: 10/22/02
Time: 10:15:14 AM
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You made me cry then and you made me cry now. To me fear means fear for rejection. Fear for not being loved. Fear for not being enough. And I've learned from you that fear is ok. To accept it, deal with it and go on with life. I still have my fears, but it doesn't stop me anymore, as it taught me a lot about myself. My limits, my being and my goals.

Today I tell other people to make a list of things they are good. That's not as easy as it sounds. But ask your child, your husband, you neighbour. You might be a good "hugging mom", a good relaxer, a good cook. It doesn't matter what. Than hang it over your bed and read it every night. Put a pen close by and add things. You'd be surprised how soon this paper is too small for all the things you're good at!

For the more you love yourself, the more you feel confident about yourself and the fear will dissapear or at least possible to handle. And the best thing: you can help other people to take away the fear. Which you helped me with.

Love, Anita

Last changed: September 12, 2005