Expanding Your Comfort Zone

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Two Questions

From: Vasu Parameswaran
Date: 10/9/03
Time: 9:55:14 AM
Remote Name:


Dear Alan,

First of all, great paper with lots of practical advice and a timely one for me. Over the last few years, I have done a lot of things you suggest in your article (calling toll-free nos, asking strangers for the time etc.) but have now slacked on them a bit after experiencing significant improvement in my speech. The problem is that I am in a new comfort zone - e.g. I never avoid making phonecalls from work (with or without the presence of bystanders) and generally say what I want to say when I want to say it. But I feel stagnated now. Your article inspires me to challenge myself again. I had a question for you: In your "Interpersonal skills" section you mention that you attended seminars/adult courses that helped you. Could you provide more details on these? Any specific ones that you can recommend? (hopefully which available also in the US).

Last changed: September 12, 2005