Expanding Your Comfort Zone

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Thank you

From: Kerri Fusco
Date: 10/22/03
Time: 12:57:17 PM
Remote Name:


Mr. Badmington,

I simply would like to thank you for your uplifting, thought-provoking, and well written paper. As a speech-language pathologist, I acknowledge a client's need to work through a hierarchy of difficult speaking situations in order to achieve fluency in enviroments outside of the therapy room. However, you have provided me with a deeper understanding and alternative point of view regarding this hierarchy. By viewing the client's journey toward fluent speech as a journey to "expand his/her comfort zone," I have taken a new perspective in my approach to therapy. In addition (as you stated in your paper), by working on various areas of his/her life, the client will (hopefully) improve his/her speech as a bi-product (serving to lessen the emphasis put on achieving fluency or appearing as dysfluent).

I look forward to sharing the information I have obtained from your paper with my students. I can think of one adolescent in particular who will now understand "why we are doing what we are doing" in therapy.

Thank you again and congratulations - you have achieved what many in this society have not! In addition, you have inspired me to "expand my comfort zone." (something many of us could stand to do).


Kerri Fusco

Last changed: September 12, 2005