Chronic Stuttering

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From: sharon zabell
Date: 10/16/03
Time: 8:38:47 PM
Remote Name:


Thank you for your insight regarding CPS syndrome. I think your findings are valuable for both clinicians and stutterers. As a speech pathologist, we have been taught that we are responsible for treating stuttering. Yet, studies have proven that there is a high percentage of relapse with our clients. I would never want a client to blame themselves for their relapse.

My new approach towards clients would be to first define what "successful" therapy is. It is important for a client to understand that everyone's success rates are individual and vary significantly. They must know that no matter how much therapy they receive or how much they practice, their dysfluencies might still be present. Therefore, perhaps the goal of speech therapy should be to become in control of one's dysfluencies rather than try to consistently be a fluent speaker. In addition, it should be a team effort from a number of disciplines to help a client cope with their dysfluencies.

Last changed: September 12, 2005