Iceberg of Stuttering

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Re: Iceberg and SLP

From: Russ Hicks
Date: 10/17/03
Time: 2:58:38 PM
Remote Name:


Hi Cherry,

How do ** I ** approach them? I educate them! I speak to university classes and school SLPs all the time and I tell them about the iceberg and the emotions beneath the waterline every chance I get. That's exactly what I'm doing here on this conference. And almost NEVER do I get any negative reaction. In 99% of the cases they very appreciate learning something new that they simply didn't know before. It's not a matter of resistance, it's a matter of them just not knowing. So... I teach 'em! <smile>

My profession is computers. I'm a computer geek to be honest. And new stuff comes down the pike almost on a daily basis that I didn't know before. And a lot of times it's very cool stuff! So I enjoy learning new stuff about my profession simply because that's what I'm most interested in. Same thing for speech pathologists. If you're good at what you do - and I know you are or will be - then I know you'll be interested in learning things in this field that you didn't know before. Hey, that's why you participate in the wonderful conference, isn't it?

Yes, it used not to be this way. SLPs ("speech correctionists" they used to be called in the olden days) certainly had the best of intentions, but they simply didn't know about the iceberg and emotional baggage. Thankfully this is changing. Hooray!

Good luck in school, Cherry! And thanks for your question. It's a good one!


Last changed: September 12, 2005