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Re: Rapid Speech Rate

From: Cindy Shaffer
Date: 10/16/03
Time: 2:47:19 PM
Remote Name:


Well, I think that taking the slow and easy approach to speech works best; however, I am in my 1st semester of graduate school, so, I'm still learning all of the techniques. Also, I am currently working with an adult stuttering group, and from what I've observed in the group, pseudostuttering (voluntary stuttering) seems to be a goal that adult stutterers set for themselves regularly as well as monitoring their own speech. Pseudostuttering enables the stutterer to purposely stutter and relaxes you by observing the reactions of listeners more carefully, you're able to see that listeners are far more tolerant of stuttering than expected. Anyways, this may be a suggestion for something you might want to find out more information on and try to improve your speech, if you haven't already.

Thanks for replying and I wish you luck on your continuing path to speech improvement.

Last changed: September 12, 2005