Desirable Outcomes From Stuttering THerapy

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Re: Desireable Outcomes

From: Steve Hood
Date: 10/8/03
Time: 2:31:37 PM
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Hello "T"

I agree with your comment. Indeed, there can be a lot of overlap between the "speech-motor" procedures that are taught. I do not think the issue need to be "either-or" -- the issue should be the use of both. However, the underlying attitude is what is so different: e.g., doing things to acquire fluency, versus dong things to extinguish stuttering.

I had not thought of this in quite these terms, but I thank you for getting me to think of it now -- that maybe what we are both talking about here is helping our clients develop and maintain a "courageous attitude."

Thanks for your comments.

Steve Hood

Last changed: September 12, 2005