ISAD Announcements

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ISAD from Seattle

From: Elaine Saitta
Date: 10/24/03
Time: 10:24:42 AM
Remote Name:


I went to my staff meeting in the am (I am an SLP in the schools) and handed out the NSA brochure for educators. I talked about ISAD and the importance of educating and learning about stuttering. I gave away one of NSA's posters for the classroom that shows that we all have something different and stuttering is just one thing that might make us different. I also said that I am a person who stutters. This was a great way to be open with all the teachers in the school that I haven't had a chance to talk to.

I also sent out an informative fact sheet about stuttering to the email list of all the district employees. I did this last year as well. I have had great responses from that email.

Thank you Judy for this great learning and growing opportunity.

Last changed: September 14, 2005