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ISAD-Stuttering Presentation by primary and secondary students that stutter

From: Michael Sugarman
Date: 10/30/03
Time: 2:34:38 PM
Remote Name:


Mailed out 21 posters and information to school speech clinicians for their clients to present...stuttering and ISAD to their class. Wow! to have the courage to stand up and talk about stuttering to their peers...Fantastic. Here is one example reported by the school speech clinician.. C.J. did his presentation yesterday and it was great. C.J. is in the 4th grade. He did a presentation at the end of 3rd grade, so this is his second time. It was much easier but he was still nervous. I introduced myself then turned the time over to CJ for a stuttering quiz. The students in class had a lot of fun answering some silly questions and some serious questions about stuttering. Some of the questions allowed us to ask CJ about his stuttering and the strategies he has learned. Next we talked about teasing. We had a great class discussion about each of us being different. CJ ended by passing out chinese finger traps and demonstrating that sometimes stuttering is like a finger get stuck. We passed out some SFA pamphlets. I think it was a success. CJ seemed happy about it.

Last changed: September 14, 2005