ISAD Announcements

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ISAD in Korea

From: Moonja, Shin
Date: 11/5/03
Time: 2:23:16 AM
Remote Name:


Stuttering Children Therapy Workshop Program

11. 8(Saturday), 2003 in Ewha Woman's Univ.

1:00 - 1:30 Registration

1 : Seminar

M.C : Kim, Whasoo(Myungji Univ.)

1:30 - 1:50 Opening & welcome statement --------------------------

Shim, Hyunsub(Ewha Woman's Univ)

Lee, Seunghwan(KASLA)

1:50 - 2:20 Characteristics of stuttering children and evaluation ---------

Lee, Eunjoo(Ewha Woman's Univ.)

2:20 - 2:40 Practice of evaluation

2:40 - 3:10 Parnet education program --------------------------------

Shin, Moonja(Shin's Speech Language Clinic)

3:10 - 3:30 Counselling and Q/A

3:30 - 3:50 Refreshment / Children's Art work display

3:50 - 4:20 Parent -Child Interation program --------------------------

Park, Jihyun․Shin, Jiwon(Shin's Speech Language Clinic)

4:20 - 4:30 Practice of parent -child interation program

2 : Clinical cases and Research Presentaion

Moderator : Yoon, Hyeryun(Yoon's Speech Language Clinic)

4:30 - 5:00 Case study 1 ----- ---- Park, Kyunga, Lee, Jyungjae(Yonsei Univ.)

Case study 2 -------- Park, Junghyun(Shin's Speech Language Clinic)

Moderator : Shim, Hyunsub(Ewha Woman's Univ.)

5:00 - 5:30 Research on Stuttering Children and Clinical Implications

Study 1 -------- Byun, Jaewon․Shim, Hyunsub(Ewha Woman's Univ.)

Study 2 ------------- Chon, Heecheong․Ko, Dohung(Hallym Univ.)

3 : Waling Together

M. C. : Sung, Jina, Lee Kyungjae

5:30 - 6:00 Ceremony of the 6th ISAD

Icebreaking(Love Love Interview

Prize giving

Statements on stuttering and the bill of Rights and Responsibilities

for stuttering people --------------Kim, Jongsuk(KSA)

Last changed: September 14, 2005