Humor as a Variable in the Process of Change

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Humor Fan

From: Debbie Sikorski-Heptig
Date: 10/14/03
Time: 8:46:42 PM
Remote Name:


When I went to the ISAD site, I scrolled down to look at all the titles and yours immediately jumped out. I have been a big fan of incorporating humor into my therapy sessions. My experience with stuttering therapy is very limited, as with most school speech-language specialists. However, humor is humor and timing is everything. I work mostly with language delayed students in secondary schools. My students are very concrete thinkers and in order for them to understand humor, they must first learn the abstract elements of language. At this age, not “getting the joke” can be confusing and frustrating. I think humor definitely breaks the ice with students and can make therapy much more enjoyable for the student and myself. I went to the website you mentioned, “On The Lighter Side” and loved it! I read all the “jokes” and “stories” and bookmarked it. Thank you for your valuable insight and information.

Last changed: September 12, 2005