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When a young child starts to stutter:  To treat or not to treat?

From: DENISON5@aol.com (Kimberly Denison)
Date: 10/7/03
Time: 9:13:20 PM
Remote Name:


Hello! My name is Kimberly Denison and I am in the graduate program at Kean University, NJ studying to be an SLP. I was quite intrique by this article because I am presently taking a graduate level course on "Stuttering" with Dr. Reese. I agree with you that treatment should be implemented within the preschool years for a child who stutters if it is to maximally effective. The younger a child is the better I feel therapy would work for the child to learn the techniques to help his or her stuttering later on in life. I personally have a friend who has a son who is three years old and he stuttered for a couple of weeks and then stopped for a couple of weeks and recently he just started up again. What do you think I should recommend to the parents of the child who stutters? They have asked me a couple of months ago since I am studying to be an SLP and I told them to wait a couple of weeks and they did and now he started up again. What do I say to them for advice since they asked me what to do? Thanks, Kimberly Denison email: DENISON5@aol.com

Last changed: September 12, 2005