Research and Self-Help Groups

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Research and Self-Help Groups

From: Janet Skotko
Date: 10/13/03
Time: 8:27:35 AM
Remote Name:


In 12/02 I had the 1st meeting for the Tampa Bay Suttering Support and Experiential Group. Many who come cannot afford treatment and this is an important form of it for them. For others it is an extension. Per one person's thoughts that students should attend I is a way of them to learn SO much more than just in the classroom however I've never had a student come! We do advertise in the paper. This group is very interested in helping each other and in informing the public...but we have NO money. HOW do other groups do such things without money or how do they get the finances? I KNOW my group is interested in your goals; I don't know if this group is mature enough yet to participate yet...we are still getting on our feet and have about 40 members, some of whom come to every meeting and others now and then. Those who are consistent might be ready. I'd like your feedback. THANKS!

Last changed: September 12, 2005