Schwartz's Stuttering Police

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Re: Stuttering Police

From: Howie Schwartz
Date: 10/14/03
Time: 11:04:28 AM
Remote Name:


Hi Carrie

In addition to the stuttering assignment, I am also asking some of my adult clients to attend my class for one session. During this time the students will break into groups and interact with the adults in therapy. In this way, the students can share their feelings and reactions during the assignment and listen to the reactions of the persons who stutter.

Last year, when one of the adults asked the students to imitate how they stuttered, they were quite embarassed and didn't want to show off their stuttering. Quite an interesting response. After the small group participation, we do a large group discussion and then have a social hour with pizza to further get to know each other. This has been a great experience for all.

Last changed: September 12, 2005